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Carbapenem antimicrobial drugs Report

作者:wangchun   来源:本站原创    点击数:0    更新时间:2006-9-7 16:08:14

[关键字]: Carbapenem antimicrobial drugs Report


Research Report on Chinese Carbapenem antimicrobial drugs Market 
Price:  US$1,900
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua   Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101             Fax:  86-10-68588305
E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com   wuhf@healthoo.com                      

    The peport presents China's market status and development trend of
 Carbapenems,a class of beta-lactam antibiotics with broad antibacter-
ial spectrum and strong antibacterial action。The report describes the 
status and development trend about Research & Development and sales of 
Carbapenems within global market,the China's current market scale and 
growth trend of Carbapenems in the next 5 years,comparison of domestic 
prodcut's market share and import product's。 At last the report summ
-arizes the information of international Research & Devel
opment for new Carbapenems,the status of application and approval for 
Carbapenems reviewed by SFDA。

   The data presented in this report can reflect the real market status
 in China,the China's market scale of Carbapenems grew from 230 milli-
on in 2000 to 680 million in 2005。

Table of Contents
Overview of products	3
1 General situation of international market of carbapenem
2 Carbapenem drugs market in China	6
  2.1 National market scale and growth trend from 2000 to 2005……6
  2.2 Shares and variation trend of national carbapenem drugs from
 2000 to 2005…………………………………………………………………………9
  2.3 Sale volume and growth trend of Imipenem/Cilastatinfrom 2000
 to 2005………………………………………………………………………………10
  2.4 Sale volume and growth trend of Meropenem from 2000 to
  2.5 Sale volume and growth trend of Panipenem/Betamipron from
 2000 to 2005…………………………………………………………………………11
  2.6 Sales Status of Import and Domestic Carbapenem Drugs…………12
  2.7 Evaluation on demand volume of carbapenem Bulk Drugs in the
 next 5 years…………………………………………………………………………13
3. Shares of brands…………………………………………………………………15
  3.1 Market share variation and advantage appraisal of the 5 brands
 from 2000 to 2005…………………………………………………………………15
    3.1.1 Market share variation of the 5 brands in recent 5 years…15
    3.1.2 Shares of brands in 2005……………………………………………17
    3.1.3 Sales Analysis on Different Brand Names of Meropenem from
 2000 to 2004…………………………………………………………………………17
  3.2 Market Shares of Different Brand Names in Sample Cities in
      “Hisunpharm MeiTe”………………………………………………………23
  3.3 Market Shares of Different Brand Names in Major Cities in
4. Research and Development of new products………………………………27
  4.1 Domestic and imported products on Chinese market………………27
  4.2 Imitation and Application Status of Carbapenem Antimicrobial
 Drugs in China………………………………………………………………………29
    4.2.1 Types of products……………………………………………………29
    4.2.2 Application Enterprises……………………………………………31
  4.3 Background of other carbapenem drugs about to enter into
 Chinese market………………………………………………………………………38
  4.4 Penems products: comparison between Faropenem and
  4.5 Clinical evaluation of anti-severe infection drugs…………41
    4.5.1 Main characters of carbapenem antibiotics…………………41
    4.5.2 Clinical evaluation of carbapenems…………………………42
  4.6 Products in process of development in the world currently…45
Appendix 1 List of Enterprises Submited Applications for
 Carbapenems to SFDA………………………………………………………………47
Appendix 2 Retail Prices of  Different Carbapenems with Different

Tables and Figures

Table 1 Launched Kinds of Carbapenems within the Global Market……4
Table 2 Sales Values of Carbapenems within the Global Market from
 2000 to 2004…………………………………………………………………………5
Table 3 Breeds in the Catalogue of Drugs for Basic National Medical
Table 4 Market Scale of Carbapenems in China from 2000 to 2005……7
Table 5 Sales Scales of Three Carbapenems in 2005………………………9
Table 6 Sales Values of Imipenem/Cilastatin from 2000 to 2005……10
Table 7 Sales Values of Meropenem from 2000 to 2005……………………11
Table 8 Sales Values of Panipenem/Betamipron from 2001 to 2005……11
Table 9 Import Volumes of “TIENAM”(Imipenem/Cilastatin) from 2002
 to 2005………………………………………………………………………………12
Table 10 Import Volumes of “Mepem”(Meropenem) from 2002 to first
 half of 2005…………………………………………………………………………13
Table 11 Import Volumes of “Carbenin”(Panipenem/Betamipron) from
 2002 to first half of 2005……………………………………………………13
Table 12 Analysis of Domestic Demand for Carbapenem Bulk Drugs……14
Table 13 Sales Values of Different Enterprises from 2000 to 2005…16
Table 14 List of Enterprises (Brands) Ranked by Market Share in
Table 15 Sales Values of Different Brands of Meropenem from 2000
 to 2005………………………………………………………………………………18
Table 16 Shares of “Tienam” in Different Major Cities in 2005……20
Table 17 Shares of “BeiNeng” in Different Major Cities in 2005…21
Table 18 Shares of “Mepem” in Different Major Cities in 2005……21
Table 19 Shares of “Carbenin” in Different Major Cities in 2005…23
Table 20 Shares of “Hisunpharm MeiTe” in Different Major Cities
 in 2005………………………………………………………………………………23
Table 21 Market Shares of Different Carbapenems in Beijing in 2005…24
Table 22 Market Shares of Different Brands in Beijing in 2005…………25
Table 23 Market Shares of Different Carbapenems in Shanghai in 2005…25
Table 24 Market Shares of Different Brands in Shanghai in 2005………25
Table 25 Market Shares of Different Carbapenems in Guangzhou in 2005.26
Table 26 Market Shares of Different Brands in Guangzhou in 2005………26
Table 27 Enterprises and their Carbapenem Products Approved by SFDA..27
Table 28 List of Import Carbapenem Products and Import Enterprises…28
Table 29 Amounts of application for different Carbapenem products
 submitted to SFDA…………………………………………………………………30
Table 30 Organizations which applied for Carbapenems……………………31
Table 31 Enterprises that SFDA had approved Drug Registration
 Approval Form their applications………………………………………………47
Table 32 Enterprises that SFDA had finished examination and approval
 to their applications……………………………………………………………52
Table 33 Enterprises whose applications was being reviewed by SFDA…52
Table 34 Retial prices of different brands…………………………………59
Table 35 Maximal Purchase Price of Medical Treatment Organizations of
 Sichuan Province for Carbapenem preparation………………………………60

Figure 1 Changes of Sales Value of Carbapenems in whole China from
 2000 to 2005…………………………………………………………………………7
Figure 2 Sales Volumes of “Tienam” from 1998 to 2005………………8
Figure 3 Sales Volume Comparisons of Three Carbapenems from 2000 to
Figure 4 Sales Value Structure of Carbapenems in 2005…………………9
Figure 5 Market Share Comparison of Three Carbapenems from 2000 to
Figure 6 Lately Growth Status and Forecast of Carbapenems……………14
Figure 7 Market Shares of different Brands from 2000 to 2005………17
Figure 8 Market Shares of Meropenem of different Brands in 2005…18
Figure 9 Market Shares of “Mepem”,“BeiNeng”,“Hisunpharm MeiTe”
 from 2000 to 2005…………………………………………………………………19
Figure 10 Market Shares of Five Brands in Key Cities…………………20
Figure 11 Sales values of Mepem” and “BeiNeng” in Key Cities in
Figure 12 Brand Shares in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou city in 2005.24
Figure 13 Comparison about Amount of Applications for 6 Carbapenems
 reviewd by SFDA……………………………………………………………………31
Figure 14 Dosage Form Structure of Applications for Carbapenems reviewd
 by SFDA………………………………………………………………………………31
Carbapenem antimicrobial drugs Report
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