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 您现在位置: -医药产业 >> 研究报告 >> English reports >> English reports >> 浏览医药行业研究报告

The Trend of Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Organization in China

作者:wangchun   来源:本站原创    点击数:0    更新时间:2007-9-14 11:14:46

[关键字]: Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing


The Trend of Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Organization in China

Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Published:  February 2007
Format:  Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price:  US$ 1,800
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua   Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101             Fax:  86-10-68052505
E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com   wuhf@healthoo.com                     

1  Global overview of pharmaceutical contract outsourcing market
  1.1 Classfication of pharmaceutical outsourcing by industry chain
  1.2 Development course
  1.3 Market size and development trend of global pharmaceutical outsourcing
2 Global overview of Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing
  2.1 the rise of Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO)
  2.2 Service contents and classfication for CMO
  2.3 Market size and development trend of global CMO
  2.4 Representative case of outsourcing and the entrusting organizations
  2.5 Production outsaurcing of Bio-medicine
  2.6 Outsaurcing market of high potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPI)
    2.6.1 Relevant situation in USA
    2.6.1 Relevant situation in India
3 The qualifications for entrusted organizations to receive the commitment of

pharmaceutical outsourcing
4 Key Contract Manufacturing Organizations
  4.1 Taiwan
    4.1.1 ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd.  (focusing on APIs)
    4.1.2 Jianya Pharma (focusing on finished drugs and new formulations)
  4.2 India
    4.2.1 The characteristic and development trend of Inidian CMO
  4.3 Japan
5 The rise of CMO in China
  5.1 The backgroud for the rise of CMO in China
  5.2 Several modes of pharmaceutical outsourcing service
  5.3 The characteristic of pharmaceutical outsourcing service
    5.3.1 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
    5.3.2 Venturepharm Group
  5.4 The existing problems of Chinese CMO
  5.5 The prospect and trend of Chinese CMO

Tables and figures
Table 1 Service items of Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO)
Table 2 Outsaurcing classfication for biotechnology industry
Table 3 Market sizes of global Contract Manufacturing from 2001 to 2007
Table 4 Global shares of different key Contract Manufacturing Organizations in 2004
Table 5 Main contract manufacturing enterprises in Taiwan
Table 6 The situation about Indian pharmaceutical enterprises purchasing foreign

Table 7 The production capacity, out and export volume of part APIs in 2005
Table 9 The branches of Venturepharm Group

Figure 1 The main flow of pharmaceutical outsourcing
Figure 2 Market sizes of global Contract Manufacturing from 2001 to 2007
Figure 3 the reasons of outsourcing and their respective shares
Figure 4 Sorts of Contract Manufacturing and heir respective shares
Figure 5 Annual growth rate of global pharmaceutical outsourcing market
Figure 6 The turnovers of ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd. from 2003 to 2006

The Trend of Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Organization in China
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