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您现在位置: -医药产业>>研究报告>>English reports>>English reports>> 浏览医药行业研究报告

Chinese insulin market report(2006 edition)

作者:wangchun 来源:本站原创 点击数: 0更新时间:2006-12-5 10:43:56

[关键字]: Insulin Aspart Insulin lispro insulin McI


Chinese insulin market report(2006 edition) Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd Published: Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF Price: US$1,500 Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68012929-2008 E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com wuhf@healthoo.com In China 23.8 million people having diabetes, China comes into the procession of middle incidence of diabetes from low incidence. Now China have the most diabetic patients in the world. Insulin is a drug included in catalogue of drugs for basic national medical insurance。 Now foreign and joint venture enterprises occupy the major segment of the Chinese insulin market. The report presents epidemic trend of diabetes in China, Market shares of different enterprises (brands), sales analysis of key cities etc, based on the accurate data. The report also provides market forecasts and competitive and opportunity analysis in China. Summary 1 Overview of epidemic trend of diabetes in China 2 Overview of antidiabetic market in China 3 Development of insulin 3.1 Pharmaceutical action and classification 3.2 Current status of clinical usage 3.3 Development process of insulin in China 4 Market analysis in Chinese insulin market 4.1 General situation of Chines insulin market 4.2 Sales situation of different breeds of insulin and insulin analogs 4.3 Sales analysis of insulin products in different cities 4.4 Market shares of different enterprises (brands) 4.1.1 Novo Nordisk Biotechnology Co Ltd 4.1.2 Suzhou lilly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd 4.1.3 Jiangsu Wanbang biochemical medicine Co.,LTD 4.1.4 Shanghai No.1 Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 4.1.5 Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd 5 Sales analysis of different breeds 5.1 mono component insulin (McI) 5.2 insulin 5.3 protamine zinc insulin 5.4 Insulin lispro 5.5 Insulin Aspart 6 Sales forcast and suggestions for marketing
Chinese insulin market report(2006 edition)
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