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Market Research Report on Hemostatic Drugs and Hemocoagulase (2007 edition)
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price: US$1,960
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68052505
The table of contents
1 Categories and action mechanisms of Hemostatic Drugs
1.1 Categories and action mechanisms
1.2 Hemocoagulase (Batroxobin) basic infromation and applications
1.2.1 basic infromation
1.2.2 R&D process
1.2.3 characteristic of molecule structure
1.2.4 characteristic of enzymology
1.2.5 pharmacologic action
1.2.6 clinical applications
1.3 Thrombin basic infromation and applications
1.4 Aprotinin basic infromation and applications
1.5 Tranexamic Acid basic infromation and applications
2 Market status of Hemostatic Drugs
2.1 Market sizes and growth trend from 2002 to 2006
2.2 Sales values of different breeds from 2002 to 2006
2.3 Market shares of different brands from 2002 to 2006
3 Market analysis of key breeds in 2006
3.1 Market shares of different breeds
3.2 Market shares of different brands
3.3 Key breeds analysis
3.3.1 Hemocoagulase
3.3.2 Tranexamic Acid
3.3.3 Aprotinin
3.3.4 prothrombin complex
3.3.5 Thrombin
3.3.6 recombination coagulation factor VIIa
3.3.7 human fibrinogen
3.3.8 Carbazochrome
3.3.9 Aminomethylbenzoic Acid
3.3.10 Lyophilized Human Coagulation Factor VIII
3.3.11 ethylenediamine diaceturate
3.3.12 other
3.4 Retail prices of key breeds
4 R&D information of new drugs
5. Information of researhing and development in China
5.1 Domestic and imported drugs on the market
5.2 Status of application and approval
6 Our suggestion
Appendix 1: Infromation of application and approval for hemostatic drugs
Appendix 2: The hemostatic drugs listed in Drug Catalogue of National Basic Medical Insurance