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Market Research Report on Drugs for Hepatopathy

作者:wangchun   来源:本站原创    点击数:0    更新时间:2007-10-11 16:25:38

[关键字]: Hepatopathy,Report,liver dieseases


Market Research Report on Drugs for Hepatopathy (2007 edition)

Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Format:  Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price:  US$3,000
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua   Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101             Fax:  86-10-68052505
E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com   wuhf@healthoo.com                     

Table of contents
First part: Categories of Hepatopathy and epidemiology
  1 virus hepatitis
  2 hepatocirrhosis
  3 fatty liver
  4 alcoholic liver disease
Second part: Familiar drugs for Hepatopathy
1 antiviral drugs
    1.1 Interferon
    1.2 Nucleoside analog
    1.3 Kushenin
2 Immune regulator
3 Drugs for hepatic coma
4 Adjunct drugs for Hepatopathy
5 Chinese traditional medicine
Third part: Market scale and sales analysis of hospital market
1 Market scale and growth trend of drugs for Hepatopathy
2 Market scale and growth trend of antiviral drugs and immunomodulators for

    2.1 Market scale and growth trend from 2002 to 2006
    2.2 Market scale and growth trend in regional markets from 2002 to 2006
    2.3 Key enterprise and their products from 2002 to 2006
    2.4 Market analysis on key breeds from 2002 to 2006
     2.4.1 interferon α
     2.4.2 Lamivudine
     2.4.3 adefovir dipivoxil
     2.4.4 kushenin
     2.4.5 entecavir
3 Market analysis on drugs for protecting liver
  3.1 Market scale and growth trend from 2002 to 2006
  3.2 Market scale and growth trend in regional markets from 2002 to 2006
  3.3 Key enterprise and their products from 2002 to 2006
  3.4 Market analysis on key breeds from 2002 to 2006
     3.4.1 Tiopronin
     3.4.2 Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate
     3.4.3 ribonucleic acid(RNA)
     3.4.4 Compound glycyrrhizin injection
     3.4.5 Polyene Phosphatidylcholine
     3.4.6 drug belonging to Silymarin class
4 Market analysis on drugs for hepatic coma
  4.1 Market scale and growth trend from 2002 to 2006
  4.2 Key enterprise and their products from 2002 to 2006
  4.3 Market analysis on key breeds from 2002 to 2006
     4.3.1 Hepa Merz(including L-ornithine,L-aspartate)
5 Market analysis on  choleretic drugs
  5.1 Market scale and growth trend from 2002 to 2006
  5.2 Key enterprise and their products from 2002 to 2006
  5.3 Market analysis on key breeds from 2002 to 2006
     5.3.1 Anethol Trithione
     5.3.2 Armillarisin A
6 Market analysis on vaccines for Hepatopathy, Chinese traditional medicines
Forth part The information of application and approval of Drugs for Hepatopathy and

marketing suggestions
1 About antiviral drugs and Immune regulators
2 About drugs for protecting liver

Market Research Report on Drugs for Hepatopathy
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