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China Medicine Market Report 2009
Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price: US$3,800
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68052505
E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com wuhf@healthoo.com
First part: Drug market size in Chinese hospitals
1、Total sales values and growth trend of all drugs in sample hospitals from 2005 to 2008
2、Market shares of respective 15 categories in all drugs from 2005 to 2008
3、Market shares of respective 45 sub-categories in all drugs from 2005 to 2008
4、Top 200 breeds ranked by sales in 2006
5、The product type with rapidest growth from 2005 to 2008
6、The product with rapidest growth from 2007 to 2006
Second part: Sales rank of different categories (top 20) from 2005 to 2008(including respective market shares of different breeds, sales value)
1、Anti-infection drugs
2、Anticancer drugs
3、Plasma substitutes and transfusions
4、The drugs for digestive system
5、The immunostimulants
6、Anti-hypertension drugs
7、The immunosuppressants
8、The nootropics and anti-depression drugs
9、Antidiabetic drugs
10、Peripheral vasodilators
11、Drugs for musculoskeletal diseases
12、Drugs for hepatobiliary system
13、Hormones (not including sex hormones)
16、Lipid-lowering drugs
17、Drugs for pentending cardiac muscle
19、Cold and cough drugs
21、Dermatological drugs
23、Anti-angina pectoris drugs
24、Minerals Supplements
25、Drugs for sensing system
26、Drugs for hyperplasia of prostate
28、Anti-anaemia drugs
29、Antiarrhythic drugs
30、Anti-heart failure drugs
31、Antipsychotics drug
32、Sex hormones and drugs for regulating reproductive system
33、Antihistamine drugs
34、Anti-infection used in gynecology
35、Sedative-Hypnotics drugs
36、Anti-epileptic drugs
37、Antiparkinsonian drugs
38、Antiparasite drugs、insecticides and insectifuges
39、Drugs administrated by nasal cavity
40、Antishock drugs
41、Drugs for throat diseases
42、Drugs used in department of stomatology
43、Other cardiovascular drugs
Third part: Main competitors' shares for key breeds in different categories (i.e. enterprise sales value and market shares for a certain breeds, 225 breeds are included)
1、Anti-infection drugs
2、Anticancer drugs
3、Plasma substitutes and transfusions
4、The drugs for digestive system
5、The immunostimulants
6、Anti-hypertension drugs
7、The immunosuppressants
8、The nootropics and anti-depression drugs
9、Antidiabetic drugs
10、Peripheral vasodilators
11、Drugs for musculoskeletal diseases
12、Drugs for hepatobiliary system
13、Hormones (not including sex hormones)
16、Lipid-lowering drugs
17、Drugs for pentending cardiac muscle
19、Cold and cough drugs
21、Dermatological drugs
23、Anti-angina pectoris drugs
24、Minerals Supplements
25、Drugs for sensing system
26、Drugs for hyperplasia of prostate
28、Anti-anaemia drugs
29、Antiarrhythic drugs
30、Anti-heart failure drugs
31、Antipsychotics drug
32、Sex hormones and drugs for regulating reproductive system
33、Antihistamine drugs
34、Anti-infection used in gynecology
35、Sedative-Hypnotics drugs
36、Anti-epileptic drugs
37、Antiparkinsonian drugs
38、Antiparasite drugs、insecticides and insectifuges
39、Drugs administrated by nasal cavity
40、Antishock drugs
41、Drugs for throat diseases
42、Drugs used in department of stomatology
43、Other cardiovascular drugs